
Father Ted API

Free JSON REST API for hand-curated Father Ted quotes

Random quote

Retrieve a random quote in JSON format.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/quotes/random
"series":"Series 2"
    "Father Dougal"
"quote":"Father Dougal: God Ted, he's probably very cold now that his towel has blown away!",

Retrieve a random quote from a given series.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/quotes/random?series={series}

Retrieve a random quote from a given episode.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/quotes/random?episode={episode}

Retrieve a random quote involving a given character.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/quotes/random?character={character}

Full list of quotes

Retrieve the full list of available quotes.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/quotes

Retrieve all the quotes for a given series.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/quotes?series={series}

Retrieve all the quotes for a given episode.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/quotes?episode={episode}

Retrieve all the quotes for a given character.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/quotes?character={character}


Retrieve the Father Ted available series.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/series
["Series 1","Series 2","Series 3"]


Retrieve the Father Ted available episodes.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/episodes
   "And God Created Woman",
   "Are You Right There, Father Ted?",
   "Chirpy Burpy Cheap Sheep",
   "Cigarettes and Alcohol and Rollerblading",
   "Competition Time",
   "Entertaining Father Stone",
   "Escape from Victory",
   "Flight into Terror",
   "Going to America",
   "Good Luck, Father Ted",
   "Grant unto Him Eternal Rest",
   "Kicking Bishop Brennan up the Arse",
   "New Jack City",
   "Night of the Nearly Dead",
   "Old Grey Whistle Theft",
   "Rock-a-Hula Ted",
   "Song for Europe",
   "Speed 3",
   "Tentacles of Doom",
   "The Mainland",
   "The Passion of St Tibulus",
   "The Plague",
   "Think Fast, Father Ted"


Retrieve the Father Ted available characters.

curl -G https://api.fatherted.irish/characters
   "Bishop Brennan",
   "Bishop Eddie O'Neill",
   "Bishop Fachs",
   "Bishop Jordan",
   "Charles Hedges",
   "Dermot Stone",
   "Eoin McLove",
   "Fargo Boyle",
   "Father Austin Purcell",
   "Father Barty Dunne",
   "Father Ben",
   "Father Brendan",
   "Father Buzz Cagney",
   "Father Cave",
   "Father Cyril McDuff",
   "Father Damien 'Damo' Lennon",
   "Father Dick Byrne",
   "Father Dillon",
   "Father Dougal",
   "Father Fintan Stack",
   "Father Flynn",
   "Father Frost",
   "Father Gallagher",
   "Father Jack",
   "Father Jessup",
   "Father Jim Johnson",
   "Father Jim Sutton",
   "Father Joe Briefly",
   "Father Ken Dillon",
   "Father Liam Finnegan",
   "Father Niall Haverty",
   "Father Noel Furlong",
   "Father Paul Stone",
   "Father Reilly",
   "Father Rory Shanahan",
   "Father Seamus Fitzgerald",
   "Father Seamus Fitzpatrick",
   "Father Shaft",
   "Father Ted",
   "Fortune Teller",
   "Fred Rickwood",
   "Giant Reed",
   "Henry Sellers",
   "Hud Hastings",
   "John O'Leary",
   "Laura Sweeney",
   "Mary O'Leary",
   "Michael Cocheese",
   "Mr Fox",
   "Mrs Carberry",
   "Mrs Doyle",
   "Nazi Veteran",
   "Niamh Connolly",
   "Old Woman",
   "Pat Mustard",
   "Richard Wilson",
   "Sean Yin",
   "Sergeant Deegan",
   "Sister Assumpta",
   "Sister Monica",
   "Terry MacNamee",
   "Tony Lynch",
   "Tour Guide"

Slack Integration

Start retrieving random Father Ted quotes by just typing /ted into your Slack console.

Install the Father Ted Slack App by clicking the button below. Installation takes just 1 minute!

Machine Learning and Father Ted

Are you curious to know what Machine Learning models think of Father Ted?

We scored the most famous Father Ted quotes using the Perspective API, a ML-based technology developed by Jigsaw and Google to identify "questionable" content in a conversation.

Click the link below to discover some of the most controversial quotes in Father Ted.